Actioned since 16th April:
- NMRA WA Group painted all of the undersides of the layout Mat Black last Sunday week.
- Installed rubber mat flooring ($9.95 per sq. meter from Bunnings) in all of the corridor passageways.
- Installed plywood base above tunnel to Grand Jct. loop for Edna mine and tracks. Plywood can be unscrewed in the event of problems with the track below.
Actioned tonight:
- Started testing locomotives on small circle of track (aka Denver Union Stockyards).
- Going ok until track lost its power.
- Atlas S2 #117 is problematic and needs to be factory reset.
Immediate Action:
- Find fault in power routing to Denver Union Stockyards.
- Investigate and solve problems with Atlas S2 #117.
- Continue testing locomotives, creating consists and speed matching.
- Clean Grand Jct. loop track and run tests.
- Investigate and solve “short” problem running lighted passenger cars.
On going Action:
- Wire track & turnouts from Winter Park to Bond to temp connections in the control panels.
- When complete lay track from Bond to Craig and temporarily wire.
- Lay all of the Grand Junction return loop tracks.