Due to the size and complexity of the new enlarged Coors Golden branch the sequence of track laying has been changed to the following:
- North Yard Locomotive facilities
- Cargill, Alpine and RG Motorway Industries
- Scenery can now commence for modules 7 & 8 between Utah Jct. and the Moffatt Tunnel East Portal
- Commerce City Industries
- Denver Union Stockyards
- Ballasting and applying of scenic material for the Denver yards & Denver stockyards together with finalising the wiring and the control panels can now commence
- Craig Branch
- Scenery can now commence for module 11 between the West Portal and Craig
- Repair the Joint Line Return Loop & South Denver Module
- Rewiring of the control panel will be required here
- Denver Union Station – C&S Trackage
- UP Industries & small yard
- Ford Motor & East Denver Belt Line Lead Tracks
- Ballasting and applying of scenic material for the DUT, Rice yard & industries together with finalising the wiring and the control panels can now commence
- Coors Golden Branch